Our ministry, prayer, and life together are sustained by the gifts of many. We also have a bunch of ways we can support you! Here are some of the ways you can help:
Pray for us
We can do nothing without prayer. Our communal life is supported first and foremost by prayer—our own and others, and we ask to be included in your private and corporate prayers, especially on our feast day, which is Corpus Christi (the Thursday after Trinity Sunday). The work of building a community from scratch is hard, and knowing that there are people interceding for us to God and the Communion of Saints helps to sustain us.
Work with us
Building a community can seem like an endless list of projects. Some ways that generous volunteers have helped us include gardening, sewing, teaching us skills we need, and carpentry. We feed our helpers well!
Financial and in-kind donations
We are aiming to build a solid foundation for the future. Financial donations and bequests in any amount help to defray our expenses and save for the future. Some of our income comes from the paid ministry work that all of us undertake (or will begin soon); donations to our common life enable us also to take on volunteer ministry projects for communities too poor to pay for them, and/or ministry work that simply would not get done otherwise. We seek to serve wherever service is needed, and that is often in places where money is in short supply.
We do have a “wishlist” of things that would help us out.
We can receive your financial contributions here, or you can reach the same place on your mobile device by scanning this QR code: