Grace Episcopal Church, Hartford
At Grace, we preach and sing at Sunday morning worship, lead a monthly Evensong, and provide chaplaincy to the Place of Grace food pantry, which provides groceries to 250-300 families every Thursday. We are grateful for the support of Grace’s rector, the Very Rev. Rowena J. Kemp. Visit Grace’s website at gracehartford.org and see service livestreams at facebook.com/GECHartford.

Seabury Life Community, Bloomfield
At Seabury, a large Continuing Care Retirement Community in the Hartford area, we support Sunday afternoon worship, assist with pastoral visiting, run a weekly bible study, and bring Godly Play (a story-based spiritual curriculum) to residents in the Skilled Nursing unit. We are grateful for the support of Seabury’s staff chaplain, the Rev. Ann Lovejoy Johnson. Visit Seabury’s website at seaburylife.org.

Christ Church Cathedral, Hartford
Gregory and Sean work in administration at the Cathedral, greeting visitors, maintaining calendars, coordinating events, printing bulletins, filing paperwork, and a bit of just about everything else. They are blessed to work with the Very Rev. Miguelina Howell, the Cathedral Dean, as well as the other Cathedral staff and clergy. Visit CCC’s website at cccathedral.org.