Category: AboutUs

  • How can we support you?

    Our mission, as an organization, is one of service: to our neighbors, to the church, to the world. We have some ministry partners now, but there are also other ways we can partner together! Do you need supplementary music for an event? We do that! Do you need music composed for an event? We do…

  • Events

    May 30, 2024: Solemn Evensong with Clothing of Novices

  • Support Us

    Our ministry, prayer, and life together are sustained by the gifts of many. We also have a bunch of ways we can support you! Here are some of the ways you can help: Pray for us We can do nothing without prayer. Our communal life is supported first and foremost by prayer—our own and others,…

  • People

    Marta S. Rivera Monclova has particular gifts for preaching, leadership, communication, and cooking. She holds an MA and PhD in English from Tufts University and an MDiv from Berkeley Divinity School at Yale. She is a candidate for Holy Orders in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut and a Leadership Fellow at Trinity Wall Street. At…

  • Ministry Partners

    Grace Episcopal Church, Hartford At Grace, we preach and sing at Sunday morning worship, lead a monthly Evensong, and provide chaplaincy to the Place of Grace food pantry, which provides groceries to 250-300 families every Thursday. We are grateful for the support of Grace’s rector, the Very Rev. Rowena J. Kemp. Visit Grace’s website at…

  • Religious Life

    Religious Life

    Our life in community springs first and foremost from the contemporary world, from its pressures, problems, cultures, and ways, and from how we respond to those. Our particular response is based on ancient traditions of vowed religious life and the generations of monks, nuns, friars, sisters, hermits, and others who have lived a way of…